


I am looking forward to participating in a digital theatre realm discussing concepts of intelligence, produced by nomad theatre at WUK performing Arts (Vienna). Pre-produced and live: 16.04.2021 20:00 CET. „A public discourse on the notion of intelligence – as re-enactment of a popular science talk-show“: http://nomad-theatre.eu/15043854.0/ The piece will be post-produced and published online at the end of the…

Scientific Associate for Code & Context

I am excited to start a new part time job at Cologne Institute for Digital Ecosystems, University of Technology, Arts and Science Cologne. I will be concepting and performing the reLab together with Pr. Dr. Christian Faubel and students of Code & Context, as well as researching and lecturing my theory on activating environments and queer-feminist utopianism.

I can see futures | fluxus.eth | NFTs 2021

I am researching and publishing in the fields of smart contracts and conceptual art, so called *cryptoart* these days. I am looking forward to creativity challenging technology. What is the performative potential of NFTs (Non-fungible tokens)? hicetnunc.xyz opensea.io rarible.com


Since Nov19 I was and am concepting, researching and constructing a web environment to enable forschA to impart and practice their research in and to Authren: authren.games (using the tools: hotglue, write.freely and (to be constated/ascertained) nota.space) I am defining myself as forschA as well, researching Authren. Concepting this web environment I was aiming to overcome a possible hierarchy between…

online lecture – activating environments | critical game design @ Hamburg University of Applied Sciences 24.04.2020

Ich freue mich auf meine erste virtuelle Session mit Studierenden der HAW Hamburg. Wer in Zukunft an Workshops und Seminaren teilnehmen möchte: get in touch. Looking forward to my first online session at University. If you want to participate in future sessions, get in touch. Within this I am constantly researching and testing activating environments, see links below. no capitalism.…

online art these days

Sharing some interesting virtual environments I stumbled into. Have a coffee or tea and take some time to playfully experience it: https://tibahni.global/ http://omoma.glitch.me/ https://town.siempre.io/ https://utopias.aaasoftwa.re/ (Windows only)

Understanding the creation of activating environments – Friction Fiction Festival, HfG Offenbach 23.-27.02.2020

I am looking forward to collaboratively designing and equipping the festival center at Friction Fiction Festival in two workshops. The University of Design in Offenbach will transform into a queerfeminist and selforganized learning environment, I appreciate this. Understanding the creation of activating environments 17.02.2020 14.00 – 18.00, 19.02.2020 17.00 – 19.00 Kapelle, HfG Offenbach. How are environments influencing our activity…

Von allFM zur hxbase Leipzig in einem Congress – Leipzig, Dez/Jan 2020

Im Rahmen des 36C3 in der Leipziger Messe haben wir als Kulturschaffende, Hackis und Aktivisti einen alten Bürocontainer umgebaut und zur neuen hxbase Leipzig ernannt – ein Raum, der jenseits eines technikspezifischen Hacking-Begriffs alle Aspekte einer emanzipatorischen Praxis, dem „kreativen Umgang mit vorgefundenen Systemen“, sowie transdizsiplinären und selbstorganisierten Austausch fördern soll. Der Container wurde so gestaltet, dass er während des…

Die Metaphysik von Tun – Burg Giebichenstein Halle 28.11.2019

Ich freue mich mit dem Workshop Die Metaphysik von Tun im Fachbereich Multimedia Design an der Burg Giechichenstein in Halle zu Gast zu sein und die Studierenden des Semsterprojekts Komplexes Gestalten/ Games 4 Future kennen zu lernen.   Workshop Die Metaphysik von Tun Kathia von Roth, Expertin für Zusammenhänge und Revolution Consultant, teilt Wissen und Erfahrung aus der transdisziplinären Arbyte,…