In sept. 2021 I minted this piece of *cryptoart* on the ethereum Blockchain. Julie Wilhelmine Hagen-Schwarz was my great-great-grandmother.

cooArchi | software prototype | 08/2021
From March till August I was part of developing a first prototype of cooArchi – community oriented archiving interface I am excited to have had the possibility to concept and manifest an archiving tool that aims to activate it’s user to ambiguous and multilinear documentation of collectively experienced history through a low on hierarchy use, architecture and design. My partners…

I am looking forward to participating in a digital theatre realm discussing concepts of intelligence, produced by nomad theatre at WUK performing Arts (Vienna). Pre-produced and live: 16.04.2021 20:00 CET. „A public discourse on the notion of intelligence – as re-enactment of a popular science talk-show“: The piece will be post-produced and published online at the end of the…
Scientific Associate for Code & Context
I am excited to start a new part time job at Cologne Institute for Digital Ecosystems, University of Technology, Arts and Science Cologne. I will be concepting and performing the reLab together with Pr. Dr. Christian Faubel and students of Code & Context, as well as researching and lecturing my theory on activating environments and queer-feminist utopianism.

I can see futures | fluxus.eth | NFTs 2021
I am researching and publishing in the fields of smart contracts and conceptual art, so called *cryptoart* these days. I am looking forward to creativity challenging technology. What is the performative potential of NFTs (Non-fungible tokens)?
Since Nov19 I was and am concepting, researching and constructing a web environment to enable forschA to impart and practice their research in and to Authren: (using the tools: hotglue, write.freely and (to be constated/ascertained) I am defining myself as forschA as well, researching Authren. Concepting this web environment I was aiming to overcome a possible hierarchy between…

online lecture – activating environments | critical game design @ Hamburg University of Applied Sciences 24.04.2020
Ich freue mich auf meine erste virtuelle Session mit Studierenden der HAW Hamburg. Wer in Zukunft an Workshops und Seminaren teilnehmen möchte: get in touch. Looking forward to my first online session at University. If you want to participate in future sessions, get in touch. Within this I am constantly researching and testing activating environments, see links below. no capitalism.…

online art these days
Sharing some interesting virtual environments I stumbled into. Have a coffee or tea and take some time to playfully experience it: (Windows only)

Understanding the creation of activating environments – Friction Fiction Festival, HfG Offenbach 23.-27.02.2020
I am looking forward to collaboratively designing and equipping the festival center at Friction Fiction Festival in two workshops. The University of Design in Offenbach will transform into a queerfeminist and selforganized learning environment, I appreciate this. Understanding the creation of activating environments 17.02.2020 14.00 – 18.00, 19.02.2020 17.00 – 19.00 Kapelle, HfG Offenbach. How are environments influencing our activity…