interview: Neue Realität durch neues Theater

„Theater in Zukunft. Neue Formate für Bühnenkunst“ hieß ein Panel auf der 5. Konferenz von „Theater und Netz“ im Mai 2017. Winnie Christiansen (Szenografin & Medienkünstlerin), Johanna Kolberg (Schauspielerin & Puppenspielerin) und Kathia von Roth (Künstlerin, Aktivistin & Social Engineer) sprachen über ihre Arbeit. Im Anschluss daran nahmen sie sich Zeit für ein Interview.  

Ongoing: Lectures, Social Hackspaces, Die Spieleberatung, Artistic Research

Lecutures, Workshops, Installations at Universities and conferences: | activating environments | member/ co-founder of interdisciplinary hackspaces: shack – social hackspace Schierspassage (Gaengeviertel), hⒶmburg. hxbase Leipzig Container, Conne Island, Leipzig. The Game Parlour is a way of thinking. Our whole approach derives from the idea that games are a fundamental part of human action and one of the most egalitarian…

Designing Hope at Node17 in Frankfurt

Between collective hopes for a better, peaceful life in the Global Village on the one hand, and feelings of disempowerment in the face of a more complex digitized environment on the other, NODE17: Designing Hope sets out to discuss the responsibility and potential of technology and design practices. Curated by festivaldirection Jeanne Charlotte Vogt, Johanna Teresa Wallenborn and Alexandra Waligorski,…

Chaosradio Folge 232 There is no game

In der 232. Folge Chaosradio habe ich mit Miko Hucko, Sarah Klöfer und Markus Schubert über unsere Arbeit an und unsere Erfahrungen mit  There is no game beim 33. Chaos Communication Congress gesprochen.

Utopia zine

Reacting to a call for partizipation I found in my mailbox some day, I published my personal creed in the first edition of this international utopia zine.  

There is no game

Communitybuilding multiplayer game for the 33. Chaos Communication Congress (26. – 30.12.2016)  in Hamburg. There is no game is based on collaborative gamemechanics and was created through participatory structures beginning in june 2016. The empowering narrative provokes intersubcultural  skillsharing, communication and organisation between the players and uses an advanced version of the „form bunches“ structure, we researched at Hallo Festspiele…