Als Theaterregisseurin und Künstlerin, 1 Teil von Alles Allen und in der Theorie der Spieleberatung war ich im November 2017 in der 28. Folge des Metrolaut Podcast zu Gast und habe über Spiel und „die Kunst der Verselbstständigung“ gesprochen.
6. – 8. Nov 2017 – Clash of Realities – Modding the City: Utopia Now!
I’m looking forward to meet you at this years Clash of Realities Conference in Cologne. Join and feedback us in our session Modding the City: Utopia Now! with our partner Prof. Gunther Rehfeld, founder of Games Master studies at HAW Hamburg.
1. – 4. Okt 2017 Labourgames – the playful world of work – PLAY17
During this years Creative Gaming Festival PLAY17 in Hamburg I’ll support participants in the four days Game Jam with artistic coaching. I’m looking forward to meet co-creators and join young people in developing playful ideas on the concept of work in our future.
Sept 2017 We are here – Vienna
I’m happy to collaborate with macuco-multiple alternative culture collective (Vienna/Austria) on the project YAPP ME means to intermediate ideas and concepts of empowerment and participation through youth work. Miko Hucko and me participated in 10 days exchange with the Game Parlour. Thanks for great input and the collaborative development of the event blueprint WeAreHere.
tale:net – an intergalactic skill & idea sharing network
Currently I’m developing the distributed open source software tale:net. Our mixed team of artists, designers and software developers Torben Spieker, Henry Bubert, Andreas Baldeau, Sascha Wollin and me is funded by Prototype Fund. We’ll present the tale:net beta at Protoype Fund Demoday on 2018/02/28 in the Federal Ministry of Education and Research in Berlin. The idea for this concept evolved…
interview: Neue Realität durch neues Theater
„Theater in Zukunft. Neue Formate für Bühnenkunst“ hieß ein Panel auf der 5. Konferenz von „Theater und Netz“ im Mai 2017. Winnie Christiansen (Szenografin & Medienkünstlerin), Johanna Kolberg (Schauspielerin & Puppenspielerin) und Kathia von Roth (Künstlerin, Aktivistin & Social Engineer) sprachen über ihre Arbeit. Im Anschluss daran nahmen sie sich Zeit für ein Interview.
Modding the City – University of applied Science HAW Hamburg – 22.05.2019
Modding The City- Ringvorlesung HAW Hamburg – Zentrum für Designforschung
Ongoing: Lectures, Social Hackspaces, Die Spieleberatung, Artistic Research
Lecutures, Workshops, Installations at Universities and conferences: | activating environments | member/ co-founder of interdisciplinary hackspaces: shack – social hackspace Schierspassage (Gaengeviertel), hⒶmburg. hxbase Leipzig Container, Conne Island, Leipzig. The Game Parlour is a way of thinking. Our whole approach derives from the idea that games are a fundamental part of human action and one of the most egalitarian…
Chaosradio Folge 232 There is no game
In der 232. Folge Chaosradio habe ich mit Miko Hucko, Sarah Klöfer und Markus Schubert über unsere Arbeit an und unsere Erfahrungen mit There is no game beim 33. Chaos Communication Congress gesprochen.
Utopia zine
Reacting to a call for partizipation I found in my mailbox some day, I published my personal creed in the first edition of this international utopia zine.